Friday, December 25, 2009

Do I need to wear face mask/filter when bicycling due to air pollution concerns?

bike share the road with car. But car exhaust is very dirty.

do we need to protect bikers from lunge contamination?Do I need to wear face mask/filter when bicycling due to air pollution concerns?
It might be wise to stay inside, or away from heavily traveled roads during smog alerts, but other than that, the health benefits of regular exercise far out weigh the possible harm from car exhausts. A mask that would be effective enough to filter toxins would be too restrictive to be usefull for exercise. If it bothers you (physically or mentally) then find routes to ride that are less traveled by cars. You're more likely to get hurt by getting hit than breathing car exhausts.Do I need to wear face mask/filter when bicycling due to air pollution concerns?
Absolutely. You might even consider a respirator.
I would reccomend it in bad pollute city places yes.
I'm not sure if it is 'necessary' but it may be a good idea.
No it is not necessary. Do you wear a mask when you walk down the sidewalk of a busy city?

So I say no!

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