Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Can I use a lubricant instead of petroleum jelly when making a plaster mask?

You'll want something pretty thick. The good thing about petroleum jelly (aka Vaseline), is that it fills the spaces between hairs (like, eyebrows). You don't want to have the mask harden, only to realize it's attached to your eyebrows.

I would go with the petroleum jelly.Can I use a lubricant instead of petroleum jelly when making a plaster mask?
Petroleum Jelly is a lubricant. Petroleum Jelly is Vaseline. It's super cheap so I don't know why you would want to deviate.

It depends on what type of lubricant you are using. Diff. ones are meant for diff. uses and you need to stick with that.

For instance I wouldn't be using KY for that type of project but something like a candle mold release agent might work OK.Can I use a lubricant instead of petroleum jelly when making a plaster mask?
depends on ur materials, if its oil based with a water based ur fine

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