Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Is there a negative effect to sleeping while wearing either a gas mask or dust mask?

If someone was extremely paranoid or received threats that they were going to be ';gassed in their sleep'; and decided to wear a gas mask or a dust mask would there be any health risks? I don't intend on wearing one to sleep nor do I know anyone that paranoid, it's just a concept for a book I'm writing and I'm curious as to how accurate the idea is.

http://www.labsafety.com/store/assets/product_images_XL/lbv124492s.jpg - Gas mask

http://www.professionalequipment.com/product_images/A403-8000_product.jpg - Dust MaskIs there a negative effect to sleeping while wearing either a gas mask or dust mask?
a gas mask scrubs carbon dioxide from the air, so you can wear one for extended periods, no problem...

however, a simple dust mask does not, and you end up rebreathing air, increasing the level of carbon dioxide in your blood stream, ordinarily, once a certain level is reached, the brain will stimulate the person to wake up and breath deeply, but in some it can kill. Not a good idea to cover the face with anything that will trap the carbon dioxide in your exhalations.Is there a negative effect to sleeping while wearing either a gas mask or dust mask?
Death. That's the effect.

You're half dead when you're asleep. And when you hinder your breathing. Most probably your dead by the morning.

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