Saturday, December 12, 2009

Is it true that cooling is masking global warming ?

Since the warmest year on record, globally, was 1998 and temps have dropped since then, the explanation by ';experts'; for early snowfalls and a colder than usual October is that cold temperatures are MASKING global warming. Are we common folk too dense to accept that ?

Is this the same as the old saying ';a wolf in sheep's clothing'; ?Is it true that cooling is masking global warming ?
all i know is i live in MI and the past 3 winters have been the coldest ones i can remember, but the media says we have global warming, so maybe i'll just believe them and not what i am experiencing Is it true that cooling is masking global warming ?
The warmest year globally was 1938. Global warming may indeed be happening, but it is not making a lot of headlines where I live. Think about it for a moment, the film ';An Inconvenient Truth'; was circulated in the middle of summer. Where I live it played somewhere in mid-August, with temperatures outside hitting about 98, and humidity not helping matters. If you have any doubts, or questions, use the bibliography of Al Gore's book to research the issue yourself. Most of the books and research can be found in the library and it is fascinating how Mr. Gore has used some of the literature
Global warming is a manufactured issue to promote Al Gore and is minions. You can find as many scientists for it as you can who are against it. Micheal Creighton wrote in the his book , ';State of Fear'; something to the affect, ';Beware of scientists with computer models,'; because figures lie and liars figure. It all depends on their political agenda.
I have always herd that the earth goes up 1 degree and then comes down 1 degree every year.

Every winter my local weatherman lists the snow falls for the past 100 years and GEE things haven't changed. 100 years ago we didn't have the industry's we currently have.

So to me Al Gore needs to get a life and stop faking the facts.
We'll see normal weather for awhile yet. When the oceans get too warm they cause terrible violent storms. To thwart that the poles melt as needed giving our oceans some balance.

When there is no longer any polar ice we'll start seeing very erratic weather.
It sounds more like a global warming zealot's lame attempts at trying to hold on to a theory that is being increasingly shot full of holes.
Yeah, that's it. If it wasn't for global warming it would be even colder and when the cool spell ends watch out it will be hotter than ever..
The weather is cyclical. See the link below for a good explanation of things.
Kinda like saying ';All this money is masking my poverty';.

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